Mindjack Wiki

Icarus is one of the characters available in Mindjack.


Icarus (1)


Death from above has never looked this good! The Icarus Air Aombat Suit combines the power of a Nerkas 2Gen Jet Pack with the precision of the J-5 Sniper Rifle. Perfect for taking out both hard targets and enemy personnel, the Icarus gives your soldiers an unassailable advantage. Typically used as an offensive combat system, the Icarus relies on agility and stealth rather than brute power or armor plating. With near-silent hover jet capability making vertical take-offs and landing possible, the Icarus is frequently used by elite military units, and is perfect for assassination squads and covert operatives. 

The Icarus System Features:

Exclusive J5 Sniper Rifle With Infrared Scope And 2KM Range

2Gen Jet Packs With FlexFuel Technology & Optional Solar Recharge Strip

Jumpboots For Soft Landings

Mind Wave Technology

Digital HUD with 5x Magnification
